for Yara

From the Rosy Kiss blows forth
a stained glass reverie
rainbow caressing your
garden of pomegranates

warm magenta breath whispering down
the nape of your neck
blazes a visible breeze
bright as Orion’s blade
a prism refracted back to flicker along
the crystalline curves of your hips

mercurial spirit pulsing through
an exquisite quartz corpse

You are heavenly Persephone atop
the midnight throne
the seeds consumed within
your fertile womb, awaiting morning sun
to reign

such goes the seasons rollicking along
cotton mountains & glistening silk valleys
your crumpled bedsheets an eternal landscape

in all ways changing, still full
of potential & memory

in ecstatic agony, we flood our barren tapestry
bleeding rivers in orgasmic writhing
so close to being NO THING

until finally we are born again
under a golden dawn
scintillating turquoise Khepri
buzzing through the orchard of light
to your windowsill

Today, just as Yesterday
Tonight, only now